
Latifa – Marbouha

Directed By: Sherif Tarhini

Produced By: Latisol

Writer, Composer, Arranged by: Hamdi Mhiri

Digital Distribution: Qanawat Music


Marbouha and God willing,

God willing, O Most High,

Our Lord, O God,

With us, O my Lord,

Go, go, go, go on,

Go, go,

And the ball in the net,

In the midst of the world, amidst the people,

High in ambition, high in spirit,

High in honor and feeling,

No harm to us, no harm,

We walked, traveled the world, couldn’t find

A land as beautiful as my mother’s, so nostalgic,

We gave without taking, and love never died within us.

Above the clouds of the world, far away,

On the flag, you and I,

One nation, hand in hand,

Marbouha and God willing, a festival.

We laughed and cried, but we never left the dream,

And we walked, hope still resides within us,

We promised and fulfilled, dreams have become reality.