
Latifa – Tab Aho

Lyrics: Essam Shaaban

Melody: Mustafa El-Shaibi

Arrangement: Wessam Abdelmoneim

Musical Interlude: Hassan Serag

Directed By: Jameel Jameel Al-Maghazi

Distributed by Qanawat Music

Song Lyrics:

Night, oh eye, oh eye, oh night,

You’ve chosen to part as you wish,

And you think I’ll die and need you,

No, no, my love, your cunning has betrayed you, pay attention and listen to me,

I’m way cooler than you by miles,

My car, I’ll head to the coast,

And I’ll surprise you with my paradises, nobody expects me,

Alright, you left me, alright,

And I’m doing much better, alright,

Being away from you increased my beauty, and in your eyes, I grow weaker and confused,

Look, alright, how many scars I have,

And the tough ones don’t get shaken,

In the end, that’s how the calm ones are,

They keep busy, but they don’t get occupied.

Night, oh eye, oh eye, oh night,

Can you imagine the effort in your absence?

What do you think, and I’m a queen by your side,

Or not, and why, and explain to me,

And why should I care about all of that?

My work now is what occupies me,

I’m happy and enjoying my time,

And I know that you’ll come back to me,

And I’ve forgotten, what’s your name?

Alright, you left me, alright,

And I’m doing much better, alright,

Being away from you increased my beauty, and in your eyes, I grow weaker and confused,

Look, alright, how many scars I have,

And the tough ones don’t get shaken,

In the end, that’s how the calm ones are,

They keep busy, but they don’t get occupied. Night, oh eye, oh eye, oh night.